MEETING OF August 10, 20 21

By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Vice-President Bart Moczygemba


Our invocation was led by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, which was followed members reciting the pledge of allegiance.


There were 7 board members were present for the August 10, 2021 meeting.   

President                                                         Mike Trainer – excused

Vice President                                                 Bart Moczygemba – present

Recording Secretary                                       Earnest Gay – present

Treasurer                                                         Charles Ricketts — present

Corresponding Secretary Fire                         David Perez — present

Corresponding Secretary Police                     Armando Ynostrosa – present

Sergeant at arms                                             William Lambrides – present

Parliamentarian                                               Mary Holub — present           


No Speaker for August 2021



Vice President Moczygemba turned the meeting over to Recording Secretary Gay to give an update on the Luncheon and mail outs.  Secretary Gay (I) reported that I have already purchased the table cloths and center pieces for the tables at the luncheon.  M Cannon has been in touch and reports that as of the meeting today the cost for just the steaks for the luncheon for our regular 800 plates is at $5200.  Cost will be adjusted for price and plates needed when RSVP period is complete. I noted to the members that the board has considered this additional cost when we discussed the luncheon. The mail out for the newsletter is on track and should go out this week as the Pension Fund has sent the mail list to Accu-print and they will proceed with the printing, postage, sorting and mailing of the newsletter this week.  Accu-print has acknowledged they received the mailing list and are proceeding.  The Luncheon Invitation will be mailed no earlier than 8-26-2021 and no later than 8-31-2021. 

Recording Secretary

The minutes of the July 13, 2021 meeting were presented.  There were 3 typing corrections that were made for the file copy.


Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts. Treasurer Ricketts also presented the Audit Report by Ms. M Baer that shows account balances are consistent with banking records. Treasurer Ricketts motioned to accept the audit, seconded by Secretary Gay, motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary – Fire

David Perez reported that he had no sympathy cards and only 1 get-well card sent out during the previous month.

Corresponding Secretary – Police

Armando Ynostrosa reported that he sent out 4 sympathy cards and 1 get-well card during the previous month.


Pension Fund Committee

Larry Reed reported that the fund is at 3.98 Billion which is unchanged from last month.  This is up 360 million YTD which is an 8.5% increase.   A reevaluation of growth needed for a 13th check for 2021 revealed that the fund actually needs only needs 3% to consider the 13th check.  The recent Audit came back as a clean audit, the inflation rate has remained the same as last month at 3.6% but that was largely due to the numbers not being released until 8-11-2021.  This rate will probably increase when the new numbers are released.  The next board meeting is on August 25th.

Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee

Alex Perez reported that the fund is at $521,221,986.52.  The new clinics that are Fund owned and presently being built are targeted for completion within the next 1-1.5 years.  The Fund is having its audit and will report when it is complete.

PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee / PAC Treasurers Report

PAC Chairman Bart Moczygemba reported that PAC audit was also good and balance reflects account balances. Chairman Moczygemba motioned to accept the audit, seconded by Larry Reed, motion passed.  Bart mentioned that the PAC wanted its member deducted contributions electronically deposited like the Association and Fire Museum do.  Pension Fund has stated that they were not willing at this time due to possible conflict about political involvement.  Bart gave a report on the deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in the accounts.


Armando Ynostrosa reported on a fundraiser for the 100 club taking place at Torchys restaurant on 8-11-2021.  15% of the proceeds from 4PM-8PM will be donated to the 100 club.


There were 24 members in attendance for the August 2021 meeting. Door prizes of $10 each were drawn for M Arellano, Henry Trevino, L Lopez, P Kempf, A Perez and J Hester


After door prizes were given Vice-President Moczygemba adjourned the meeting without opposition at 2:14PM.