By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer.


Our invocation was led by President Mike Trainer which was followed by our Recording Secretary, Earnest Gay, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


There were 6 board members were present for the August 11, 2020 meeting.   

President                                                         Mike Trainer – present

Vice President                                                 Bart Moczygemba – present

Recording Secretary                                       Earnest Gay – present

Treasurer                                                         Charles Ricketts — present

Corresponding Secretary Fire                         David Perez — present

Corresponding Secretary Police                     Armando Ynostrosa –

Sergeant at arms                                             William Lambrides –

Parliamentarian                                               Mary Holub — present           


Recording Secretary

The minutes of the July 14, 2020 meeting were presented.  On correction, there were no door prizes due to Virtual meeting.

Presidents Report

President Trainer apologized to David not getting info to him.

There was an executive board meeting on July31, 2020 and the following were discussed

  1. Our Deposit with the Shrine Auditorium for this years luncheon that is currently postponed, has been moved to the October 13, 2021 luncheon date and no funds were lost.
  2. Our funds in our checking account were discussed at the board meeting and there will be some changes in our accounts, Treasurer Ricketts will explain those in his report.
  3. Newsletter needs to be started.  President Trainer is looking for an editor.
  4. President Trainer would also like our elections to be on-line so all members can be involved in electing our executive board.
  5. The letter to the city council about the BLM and defunding of police has been put on hold at this time as we will wait and coordinate our efforts along with the active member with SAPOA.
  6. The letter to the Health Fund about the Spousal benefit being lost for any widow or widower that re-marry has not yet been delivered to the Fund due to meetings being done remotely.  President assures us the issue is ongoing and will be addressed.


Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts.

Corresponding Secretary – Fire

David Perez reported on 3 sympathy cards sent out over the last month.  David’s wife advised that David lost his younger sister to covid-19.

Corresponding Secretary – Police

Armando Ynostrosa was not at the meeting and Recording Secretary announced the names of 2 recent retirees and 1 widow that passed away.


Pension Fund Committee

Larry Reed reported the Pension Fund is at 3.38 billion which is down 31 million YTD.  This equates to a 0.10% decrease in the fund YTD.  The annual audit is complete and the Fund received an unmodified opinion which means the books are in line with the fund value.  The actuarial report listed the fund’s unfunded liability at 87%.  The final numbers for the funds growth for 2019 was 16.1% which was higher than expected.  Inflation for FY 2020 is currently at -0.50%.  The legislative package being looked at is basically the same as the last session with no benefits, only language changes.  The next meeting is set for Wednesday, 26th at 9am.  The Pension office remains closed and appointments only are being handled at this time. 

Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee

Alex Perez reported on the Fund balance at 416,796,839.86, which is down 0.5%.  The 3rd clinic is now on line and relieving some of the congestion at the other 2 clinics.  There are some additional services that should be available at this clinic around January 2021.  The complaints about WellDyneRx are being addressed by the Fund and some new procedures and guidelines are being implemented to deal with any problems.

PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee

Vice President Moczygemba reported on the candidate races in the past primary.

PAC Treasurers Report

PAC Treasurer, Don Wagoner, reported on the income and expenses of the PAC and gave the balance in the account. This report was presented by President trainer and Vice-President Moczygemba.


President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition.