Meeting of July 13, 2021

By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer.


Our invocation was led by President Trainer which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


All board members were present for the July 13, 2021 meeting.   

President                                                         Mike Trainer – present

Vice President                                                 Bart Moczygemba – present

Recording Secretary                                       Earnest Gay – present

Treasurer                                                         Charles Ricketts — present

Corresponding Secretary Fire                         David Perez — present

Corresponding Secretary Police                     Armando Ynostrosa – present

Sergeant at arms                                             William Lambrides – present

Parliamentarian                                               Mary Holub — present


No Speaker for July 2021 meeting


Presidents Report

President Trainer advised the only thing he had was luncheon news and turned the meeting over to Recording Secretary Gay. I reported that the 2021 Luncheon was on for Wednesday October 13, 2021 at the Shrine Auditorium.  The Shrine has advised me that the only restrictions in place at this time are those we impose on ourselves.  The executive board approved proceeding with the Luncheon and decided this year there will be no charge to our members to attend.  Marvin Cannon has agreed to coordinate the cook staff again this year but requests that we provide the staffing to distribute the drinks for the luncheon.  I put out a request to see if we could find some on the fire side that can help with that.  David Perez will assist with that search.   It is also a requirement that to be assured a meal at the luncheon, we must have an RSVP from the member.  Meals will be prepared based on our RSVP response.  Walk-ins will only get a meal on first come first served if we have meals due to no-shows. This information will be reiterated in both the newsletter and the luncheon invitation.

Recording Secretary

The minutes of the June 08, 2021 Zoom meeting presented.  There were no corrections, additions or deletions noted.


Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts. Treasurer Ricketts had bank statements available for viewing.

Corresponding Secretary – Fire

David Perez reported he sent out 5 sympathy cards and 2 get well cards during the previous month.

Corresponding Secretary – Police

Armando Ynostrosa reported he sent out 3 sympathy cards during the past month.


Pension Fund Committee

Larry Reed reported that the fund was at 3.98 billion which is up260 million YTD.  This is a 6.9% increase.   The Funds benchmark is 7.25% and the Fund is on track to exceed that mark if the trend continues.  For a 13th check to be considered we need only a 4% increase this year.  13th check is on track for this fiscal year.  The actuary puts our fund at 88% funded which is one of the best n the state and nation.  The full audit report will be in by the next meeting.  Inflation so far for 2021 is 3.6% at the end of June.  The next board meeting will be Wednesday July 28.

Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee

Alex Perez reported that the Fund is $516,180,096.36.  The Fund has decided to purchase land and build our own clinics instead of renting.  There are plans for a 4th clinic out IH35 toward Schertz/New Braunfels area.  Ground breaking has begun on three of the four planned clinic sites.  The Health Funds web site is being reworked and is currently under construction.  New photos will be used on the site of actual members instead of the current stock photos.  The photographer is present to get pictures of anyone willing to be featured on the web page.  This new web page will have a chat feature available to speak with members that would like to communicate with a fund representative on line.  The fund is looking into ways to try to keep the doctors and lower the attrition rate.  They are also looking into adding specialty care in form of P.T. an possibly cardiac doctor in the future.  Specialties will be evaluated on a cost basis to determine if the Fund can provide the,.  Sign up for trustee elections are taking place for Retired police and active police and fire trustees.  Elections to follow.

PAC Treasurers Report

PAC Treasurer, Don Wagoner, reported on the income and expenses of the PAC and gave the balance in the account. 


Door prizes were drawn for members present.  Winners were Marita Baer, James Baer, William Lambrides, Donald Wagoner, Mary Lou Luevano and Bart Moczygemba.


After door prizes were given President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition.