MINUTES OF July 09, 2019
By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer.
Our invocation was led by Rev. A.D. Smoot which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance.
All board members were present for the July 2019 meeting.
President Mike Trainer – present
Vice President Bart Moczygemba – present
Recording Secretary Earnest Gay – present
Treasurer Charles Ricketts — present
Corresponding Secretary Fire David Perez — present
Corresponding Secretary Police Joe Carrillo – present
Sergeant at arms William Lambrides – present
Parliamentarian Mary Holub — present
No Speaker for the July 2019 meeting.
Presidents Report
President Trainer reported once again on the Phone # for the Pensioners Association. Number is 210-452-7553.
President Trained attended the PRB (Pension Review Board) meeting in Austin. A new Cahir, Stephanie Leibe, was appointed by the Governor. Marcia Dush was also reappointed to the board for a term to expire on 01-31-2025. Other board members include Keith Brainard – vice chair, Rossy Frina-Strauss, Ernest Richard and Josh McGee. The PRB has a new database where the public can see and review information about public pensions in Texas by going on line to the website
Recording Secretary
The minutes of the, 2017 meeting were presented. There was one correction to change Reverend to Deacon for Deacon Whitley. Correction was made on screen.
Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts. Treasurer Ricketts made available the treasurers report and bank statements for anyone to view if they wished to.
Corresponding Secretary – Fire
David Perez reported he sent out sympathy cards to the families of Louis L Delgado and Linda Davila that passed during the previous month. David also sent out Get Well cards to Ill members Edward Willborn, Juan Gonzalez, Manuel Ibarra and rick Acosta.
Corresponding Secretary – Police
Armando Ynostrosa reported he sent out sympathy cards to the families of Lucille Ehrlich Morales and Mike Harwell (son of Wayne Harwell) who passed during the previous month. Armando also sent out get well cards to Frank Villella and John Patmore.
Pension Fund Committee
Harry Griffin & Larry Reed reported that the fund is at 3.210 Billion which is up 40 million since last report. Fund is up 7.06% YTD. Inflation for the first 5 months of the year is 1% and if this rate continues the projected inflation for 2019 would be 2 -2.5%.
Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee
Alex Perez and Henry Trevino reported that the fund is at $394,856,333.00 which is up 5.17% YTD. The Fund is currently undergoing its audit and the discussion on bringing a 3rd clinic on line in west SA is being explored.
PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee
Chairman Bart Moczygemba reported on the fund balance and the expenses and deposits for the last month.. There was a request for a loan from the Fire union but the PAC did not act on the request as the Union received their member contributions before the PAC Fund could meet to discuss the request.
PAC Treasurers Report
PAC Treasurer, Don Wagoner, was excused as he was on vacation.
Events Committee
David Perez reported on several casino trips available and that most of the bus companies have made it the responsibility of the chartering organization to secure parking / pickup-drop off locations. They also need 90 days or more notice for overnight trips to secure hotel rooms for the events.
Luncheon Committee
I reported that I have been in contact with Marvin Canon and he has the cooks lined up for our event. I also inquired with our audit committee chair, Marieta Baer, if invoicing the meal and decorations as a per plate/table amount instead of all the individual receipts, her response was positive.
There were 3 extra door prizes gift cards donated by Armando of Expressions Designs for $10 each. Door prizes were won by A Juarez, J Teran, G Ehrlich, J Shipman, J Baer, C Ricketts, B Lambrides, M Arrellano and A Henley.
After the door prizes were given, President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition.