ZOOM MEETING OF November 09, 2021

By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 1:40 PM by President Mike Trainer. Meeting start was delayed due to hackers joining the meeting uninvited.  President Trainer eliminated the hacked entries and proceeded with the meeting.


Our invocation was led by President Mike Trainer which was followed by President Trainer, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


There were 7 board members were present for the November 09, 2021 meeting.   

President                                                         Mike Trainer – present

Vice President                                                 Bart Moczygemba – present

Recording Secretary                                       Earnest Gay – present

Treasurer                                                         Charles Ricketts — present

Corresponding Secretary Fire                         David Perez — present

Corresponding Secretary Police                     Armando Ynostrosa – present

Sergeant at arms                                             William Lambrides – absent

Parliamentarian                                               Mary Holub — present


Presidents Report

President Trainer announced that the Executive Board had decided to resume in person meetings beginning with the January 11, 2022 meeting.

President Trainer also brought up the postponed election process.  Recording Secretary Earnest Gay asked that we try to form the nominating committee since there were 25 in attendance.  The nominating will gather names of members wishing to run for office and present that list in writing to the membership at the January meeting.  Positions up for election are President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary Police and Parliamentarian. Term will run thru December 2023.  Recording Secretary Gay volunteered to be on the committee as did Gary Seidel and Bart Moczygemba.  There was a motion by Pat Kempt to accept, motion was seconded and passed.

Recording Secretary

The minutes of the September 14, 2021 meeting were presented.  There were no corrections, additions or deletions noted.


Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts.

Corresponding Secretary – Fire

David Perez reported he sent out 3 sympathy cards and 1 get-well card during the previous month.

Corresponding Secretary – Police

Armando Ynostrosa reported that he sent out 3 sympathy cards and 2 get-well cards during the previous month.


Pension Fund Committee

Larry Reed reported that the fund began the year at 3.72 billion and today is at 4.13 billion, a 410 million dollar increase which is up 13.3% YTD.  Larry also reported that the fund will have its strategic planning retreat later in November to discuss investments and long term strategies.

Larry reported that the fund needs 3% for the 13th check to be considered and 13% for the 14th check to be considered.  The fund is at these thresholds and if these numbers continue and hold true the trustees will be able to consider the additional checks.  Inflation is at 4.8% Thru October and the November numbers will not be out for another week.  Projection looks to be at about 6% +/-.  Next board meeting will be held November 24th at 9am in the pension office assembly room.

Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee

Henry Trevino reported that he did not have the funds numbers and has no information to report at this time.

PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee

Bart Moczygemba reported that the money approved for the John Lujan campaign was given and that John did win the election for district 118. 

PAC Treasurers Report

PAC Treasurer, Don Wagoner, reported on the income and expenses of the PAC and gave the balance in the account. 


President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition.