MINUTES OF September 10, 2019

By Earnest D. Gay, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer.


Our invocation was led by Rev. A.D. Smoot which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags.


There were 6 board members present for the September 10, 2019 meeting.   

President                                                         Mike Trainer  present

Vice President                                                 Bart Moczygemba – present

Recording Secretary                                       Earnest Gay – present

Treasurer                                                         Charles Ricketts — present

Corresponding Secretary Fire                         David Perez — present

Corresponding Secretary Police                     Armando Ynostrosa – absent

Sergeant at arms                                             William Lambrides – present

Parliamentarian                                               Mary Holub — excused                      


Attorney Stanley Bernstein spoke about the Fire contract and that they have gone into Binding Arbitration.  Stanly explained that whatever the outcome of the arbitration is, both the city and the Firefighters Union must accept the outcome.


Presidents Report

President Trainer reported that there needs to be a change in our by-laws to have the accounts audited semi-annually instead of quarterly.  When our Parliamentarian, Mary Holub, amends the wording for the by-laws it will be presented to the membership for a vote.

At the 8-28 board meeting the board voted to increase the monthly reimbursement for out meeting snacks/meal from $75 to $125.  That motion passed with 1 vote abstaining (Earnest Gay)

The board agreed to hire G3 to maintain our website at $100 per month.  G3 designed the  sight earlier this year and they are the ones that designed our new logo. 

Annual luncheon was also discussed at the board meeting, all is on track as Earnest Gay and Charlie Ricketts went to The Shrine Auditorium to make the final payment for this year’s Luncheon.  Generations Credit Union has again this year offered $500 to the Association.  This will be used for door prizes.

Nominating Committee needs to be established at the September meeting each year,  President Trainer advised as per our by-laws, he cannot appoint this committee, if must come from the membership.  This year’s nominating committee is Joe Garza – chairman, A.D.Smoot and Gary Seidel.  The committee will report their nominations for President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary Police and Parliamentarian at the November meeting.  Nominations can be mad from the floor at that time also.

Recording Secretary

The minutes of the August 13, 2019 meeting were presented.  There was one correction made to the file copy.


Treasurer Charles Ricketts reported on the Associations’ deposits and expenses and gave a detailed explanation of monies in all accounts. Treasurer Ricketts made available the treasurers report and bank statements for anyone to view if they wished to.

Corresponding Secretary – Fire

David Perez reported he had only 1 death, Manuel Ibarra, a sympathy card was sent.

Corresponding Secretary – Police

Armando Ynostrosa sent his report, it was read by Earnest Gay.  Armando reported on 3 illnesses, Velia Cernota, Frank Ovalle and Maurice Rose.  There were 2 deaths, Active officer Anthony Carlo and Widow Geraldine Bulgrin.   Armando sent cards out on all. 


Pension Fund Committee

Larry Reed reported the fund is at 3.26 Billion, up 9.3% YTD.  Fiscal year 2018 saw a -4% for the year, the fund is rebounding.  Inflation for 2019 so far is 1.4% which when projected forward will probably settle somewhere between 2 – 2.5% for 2019.  The next board meeting is 9/25 @ 9am.

Pre-Funded Health Insurance Committee

Henry Trevino reported that the fund is at $396,944, 904.57 which is up almost 1 million for the month. 

PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee

No activity this month.

PAC Treasurers Report

PAC Treasurer, Don Wagoner, reported on the income and expenses of the PAC and gave the balance in the account.  Don made the bank records available if anyone wished to look at them.


On Oct 1st the Fish City Grille will once again be donating 15% of their proceeds to the Fire Museum. There is an upcoming golf tournament and raffle as fundraisers for the museum.  


The six $10 door prizes this month were awarded to Oscar Ortiz, Mario Arellano, Randy Puzon, James Baer, Pat Kempt and Alice Juarez.


After the door prizes were given, President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition.