We are pleased to announce our upcoming regular member meeting on Tuesday, February 11. You won’t want to miss this one!!!!!
This meeting will feature a special guest speaker on Social Security, addressing important topics related to the recent Social Security Fairness Act passed by Congress and President Biden which repealed the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset. Our agenda is here.
Key Topics our speaker will address:
- Elimination of the WEP & GPO: What does this mean for you?
- The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) has dealt with your own benefits, and many of you have seen reduced benefits because of it.
- The Government Pension Offset (GPO) affects Spousal Benefits, and many, if not all, of you have seen no spousal benefits due to it.
Questions to Consider, which our Speaker will address:
- Are you better off claiming on your own record or spousal benefits (married, divorced, widowed)?
- What options are now available to you following these changes?
For the past 7 years, the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund has had Dave P. Zander speak to many retiring members about Social Security and how it fits into the retirement planning process. Come hear David P. Zander from Back 9 Financial speak on these issues at our Monthly Meeting.
Date: February 11, 2025
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: SAFPPF HQ
We hope everyone will attend this important event to understand the impact of these changes on your retirement planning. Check out last year’s event for firefighters here.
Stay informed and see you there!