The San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Association will conduct a vote on proposed changes to its bylaws at its next meeting on Tuesday July 12 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be at the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund Office, 11603 W. Coker Loop, suite 201, San Antonio, TX.  

The bylaws below contain the proposed changes. The words in red strikethrough would be deleted. The words in blue are the proposed changes. Words in black currently exist and would remain unchanged. 






The name of the society shall be “San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners Association, (SAFPPA).”




The objective of the association shall be to unite the members for the benefit of their common welfare. This shall include but not be limited to health benefits and pension benefits.  The association shall be a forum for members to express their concerns and be kept informed of subjects of interest.




Section 1. There shall be the following classes of members: 


A.    Primary
Members. Retired Firefighters, Police Officers, their spouses and adult beneficiaries who pay dues and receive pension checks from the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund:   These members
shall have voting privileges and be able to hold office.


B.      Honorary Membersssh.  An individual shall be granted honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting.  These members shall pay no dues, have no obligations, but shall be entitled to all privileges, except those of making motions, voting or holding office. 


    Section 2. Dues. 


A.   Monthly dues are five dollars ($5.00) a month for Primary Members for the retiree and spouse, and
individual adult beneficiaries.
Dues are paid by the primary member and
include membership for their spouse and adult beneficiaries.


B.    Dues amount is determined by the members at a regular meeting.


C.    Dues amount is listed in Standing Rules and membership is
considered active when dues are paid.


D.   Exceptions.


1. All Life Memberships paid on or before March 1, 2015 are grandfathered with no additional dues owed.


2.      All Life Memberships in payroll process on or before March 1, 2015 are grandfathered once paid in full and no additional dues will be owed.


           1.    All Life Memberships paid or in payroll deduction process on or before March 1, 2015,   

       are grandfathered once paid in full and no additional dues will be owed.


2.      Beginning March 1, 2015, new life memberships will be granted to a Surviving Spouse of a Primary Member, with no additional dues owed, eligible for membership under Article III, Section 1.  The surviving spouse may become a contributing life member as defined in Article III, Section 4.


3.      Any Life Member that wishes to become a contributing Life Member may do so
by paying the monthly dues.  It is not mandatory for the member to continue to pay dues as a contributing member to continue to maintain membership. 


E.    Membership dues must be by payroll deductions.




Section 1.  

The officers of the association shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, two Corresponding Secretaries (one Police Retiree and one Fire Retiree), Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Parliamentarian. Except for the additionally listed duties of the President, Vice President and Treasurer, these officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.


     A.  The President shall be a signatory on SAFPPA checks and SAFPPA-PAC checks.


B.   The Vice President shall be a signatory on SAFPPA checks.


C.   The Secretary shall be a signatory on SAFPPA checks.


D.     The Treasurer shall:

             1. Keep an accurate account of funds of the SAFPPA.


            2. Deposit all monies in the financial institution approved by the SAFPPA in the name of the SAFPPA.


            3. Disburse all monies for approved items upon receipt of invoice or other documents from the responsible person.


            4. Furnish a report at the Association’s monthly meetings of receipts, disbursements, along with the monthly statement from the financial institution.


            5. Be a signatory on SAFPPA checks.


6.      Deliver all financial books and records to the Auditing Committee at semiannual
intervals, i.e., January and July, respectively, and other times when requested
by the Executive Board.


            7. Submit the audit reports for adoption upon completion of semiannual audit.     


Section 2. 

The officers serve for two years, or until their successors are elected.  The office of President, Treasurer,
Corresponding Secretary Police and Parliamentarian shall begin their two- year terms in non-legislative years (even numbered years).  The office of Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary Fire and Sergeant-at-Arms shall begin their two-year terms in legislative years (odd-numbered years).


Section 3. 

The term shall begin at the opening of the January meeting.


Section 4.  

No member shall hold more than one office at a time.


Section 5.  

Vacancies in offices will be filled by the Executive Board for the unexpired term.



                                    ARTICLE V –NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS


Section 1.  

At the regular meeting in September, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be elected.  It shall be the duty of this Committee to find nominate candidates for the offices and report to the membership in October. Additional nominations from the floor will be accepted.   No nominations may be made from the floor.  Potential nominees must announce their intentions to the Nominating Committee prior to the deadline


Section 2.  

The officers shall be elected by ballot by a majority vote of those present at the November meeting.


Section 3.  

In order to be placed on the ballot, members desiring to hold office must sign up for the election by the date announced by the Executive Board. (Ballot request shall be handled by the Nominating


Section 4. 

Uncontested officer positions shall be deemed “elected by acclamation,” without going
through the voting process.




Section 1.  

Regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board.


Section 2.  

Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Board, or by written request of ten members.


Section 3.  

Ten members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.


Section 4.  

Regular or Special meetings may be held electronically by teleconference, audio conference, video conference or through other electronic communications media, as long as all members may
simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting.




Section 1.  

The elected officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.


Section 2.  

The Executive Board shall conduct any business that needs to be done between meetings that cannot wait until the next meeting.


Section 3.  

Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President, or by written request of three of the members.


Section 4.  

In the interim between meetings of the Executive Board, a vote by e-mail or telephone may be taken at the request of the President on any emergency matter.  Such action shall be reported at the next meeting of the Association and shall become a part of the minutes of that meeting.


Section 5.  

Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Board.


                             ARTICLE VIII– COMMITTEES


Section 1.  

Standing Committees. 

The standing committees of the SAFPPA shall be: Auditing, Bylaws, Family Assistance, Pension Fund,
Pre-Fund Health Care, Pre-89ers Health Care and the San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Association Political Action Committee (SAFPPA-PAC).


Section 2.  

Duties of Standing Committees


      A.  Auditing Committee. The Auditing Committee, consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the President at the January meeting to audit the books of the Association’s treasurer and Political Action Committee (SAFPPA-PAC) at semiannual intervals.  Reports shall be presented for adoption at the next regular meeting(s), i.e., February and August, respectively.  At the Boards discretion, additional audits may be made as needed.


B.     Bylaws Committee.  The Bylaws Committee shall receive, consider, and edit proposed amendments to the bylaws submitted by the Executive Committee. Also, be authorized to originate such proposed amendments to the bylaws as the committee may deem appropriate or desirable.


     C.  Family Assistance Committee.    The Family Assistance Committee shall have the duty to act as the liaison between the SAFPPA and the San Antonio Fire and Police Departments Family Assistance Programs: To provide information, monitor and address issues concerning the services that the program provides to San Antonio Firefighter and Police Officer Retirees and their family upon their death.


D. Pension Fund Committee. The Pension Fund Committee shall have the duty to advise and           Communicate to the membership all matters relating to Pension Fund issues affecting the Fire and Police Pension Fund San Antonio and the San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Association members.


E.     Pre-Fund Health Care Committee. The Pre-Fund Health Care Committee shall have the

duty to provide information on health benefits to all retirees who are members of the Fire and Police Health Care Fund.  The Committee will further be charged to advise the Fire and Police Health Care Fund Members on the benefit provisions in the Health Plan Document and also appealed provisions on disputed benefit claims.  The Committee will accept and present to the Board of Trustees suggestions and or proposed amendments to   the Plan Document submitted by the Fund Members.


F.      Pre-89ers Health Care Committee. The Pre-89ers Health Care Committee shall have the duty to provide information on health care benefits to those uniformed personnel who retired prior to 1989 (Pre-89ers). Also, acts as liaison between the SAFPPA, City of San Antonio and Retired Employees City of San Antonio (RECOSA).


     G.  The San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Association Political Action Committee shall consist of at least four (4) members.  The SAFPPA President shall appoint members of the SAFPPA-PAC committee and designate who will serve as the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer of the committee. San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Political Action Committee, to be known henceforth, as SAFPPA-PAC.


            1.  The purpose of the SAFPPA-PAC shall be to:


     a) Collect and disburse PAC fund money. The funds of SAFPPA-PAC shall be for supporting the political program set forth by the SAFPPA.                           


     b) Make monetary contributions (according to Article VIII, Section 2, G, 11) to those

           candidates that support the values of the SAFPPA membership.


     c) Be knowledgeable and in conformance with all applicable federal, state,
and local 
laws governing political action committees.


     d) The SAFPPA-PAC Chairman or his designee shall keep the Executive Board, and

          the membership of the SAFPPA informed of the SAFPPA-PAC activities.


2.  SAFPPA-PAC membership shall consist of any retiree of the San Antonio Fire

     Department or Police Department who wishes to support the SAFPPA political

     programs, including contributions to candidates for any political office and other

     activities consistent with federal, state and local laws and who shall voluntarily pledge

     a payment for such support.  Any donations made to the SAFPPA-PAC by non-

     retirees of the San Antonio Fire or Police Departments will be at the discretion of the

     SAFPPA-PAC Committee in accordance with regulations in effect at the time the

     donation is made.


      3. The SAFPPA-PAC shall operate under all federal, state and local laws for the solicitation and disbursement of funds to support the SAFPPA-PAC. Information shall be made available to all

contributing members of the SAFPPA.


     4. The SAFPPA-PAC Chairman shall call and conduct meetings of the committee as

 required and report activities to the membership at a regular meeting of the SAFPPA. 
The SAFPPA-PAC Chairman shall be a signatory on SAFPPA-PAC checks.  The 
SAFPPA President and membership will be informed promptly after a decision has been made by the SAFPPA-PAC Committee.


4.     The SAFPPA-PAC Vice-Chairman shall be a signatory on SAFPPA-PAC checks.


5.     The SAFPPA-PAC Secretary shall be responsible for keeping written records of the committee’s
meetings and shall be a signatory on SAFPPA-PAC checks.


      7. The SAFPPA-PAC Treasurer shall:


a) Be responsible for
all funds in the SAFPPA-PAC account (which shall be kept separate from the
general funds of SAFPPA), all financial records, the registration and reporting
consistent with federal, state and local laws,


                  b)  Keep an accurate account of funds of the SAFPPA-PAC,

c)   Deposit all monies in the financial institution approved by the SAFPPA in the name of the SAFPPA-PAC,  

d)   Disburse all monies for approved items upon receipt of invoice or other 
documents from the responsible person,


e)  Furnish a report at the Association’s monthly meetings of receipts,

disbursements, along with the monthly statement from the financial institution,


f)  Be a signatory on SAFPPA-PAC checks,


g)  Deliver all financial books and records to the Auditing Committee at semiannual intervals, i.e.,

January and July, respectively, and other times when requested by the Executive


h)  Submit the audit reports for adoption upon completion of semiannual audit,


i)  Follow the State of Texas PAC Committee rules and regulations governing PAC funds.


  8. Any officer or member of the SAFPPA-PAC may also act as a solicitor for SAFPPA-

      PAC by the use of Authorization Forms and in accordance with legal requirements

      and such guidelines as are developed by the SAFPPA-PAC.  All such solicited funds

      must be forwarded immediately to the SAFPPA-PAC Treasurer.


     9. Any officer or member of the SAFPPA-PAC may also solicit financial contributions for SAFPPA-PAC which must be forwarded immediately to the SAFPP-PAC Treasurer.


   10. All contributions for SAFPPA-PAC received or collected by any SAFPPA member

         for SAFPPA-PAC purposes must immediately be forwarded to the SAFPPA-PAC



   11. Endorsed candidates are those recommended by SAFPPA-PAC Committee and

         approved by the membership at an SAFPPA meeting. In the event approval at an SAFPPA meeting is not possible because of time constraints, the SAFPPA Executive  Board may approve the recommendation by two-thirds (2/3) vote by phone or email.


 12.  Disbursement and operating expense guidelines, all of which are subject
to applicable 
limits of state and/federal laws, are as follows: 

a)  Mayor and City Council candidates endorsed by the SAFPPA may receive up to

           the legal maximum per election cycle.


      b)  State Legislators.  Candidates for State Representative endorsed
by the SAFPPA 
may receive up to a maximum of $1,500 per election

cycle.  Candidates for State Senator endorsed by the Association may

receive up to a maximum of $1,500 per election cycle.


      c)  State Elected Officials.  Candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor
Speaker of the House endorsed by the SAFPPA may each receive up to a maximum of $2,500 per election cycle.


      d) Disbursements to other candidates, fundraisers, programs, donations or any other function that will further the PAC fund goals must relate to issues which affect the members of the SAFPPA and be consistent with the legally-mandated PAC guidelines.  There shall be no contributions made to any candidate for any federal or judicial office unless the PAC has complied with the applicable regulations for supporting such races.  SAFPPA-PAC may make reasonable, routine expenditures in order to carry other the purpose and duties of SAFPPA-PAC.


    e)  It is understood that SAFPPA-PAC may expend funds for fundraisers prior to endorsements in order to meet the candidates and study the issues.  Whenever possible, contributions shall be made prior to the election.


     f) The above-listed amounts are not mandatory contributions and are subject
to the 
availability of funds. These amounts may be increased by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of SAFPPA-PAC members at a SAFPPA meeting.  Increases may not exceed the legally-allowed amounts.  In the event that any of the specified amounts listed in these bylaws exceed the legally-mandated limits, the legally-mandated limits shall prevail.


Section 3.  

Special Committees. There shall be such special committees as may be deemed necessary by the Executive Board.  The chairman of special committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.


Section 4.  

All Committees ordered by the members or the Bylaws shall be appointed by the President with the exception of the Nominating Committee as outlined in Article V.


Section 5.  

All Committees shall consist of an odd number of members.  A majority of its members shall constitute a quorum. 

Section 6:  

The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.




The rules contained in the current issue of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent
with these Bylaws and any special rules the Association may adopt.




These Bylaws may be amended by the membership by a two-thirds vote at any regular meeting provided notice was given at the previous meeting.




     Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation
exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time quality as an exempt organization or organizations under section 50l (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine.  Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.



June 12, 2001

September 14, 2004                                                                                

September 8, 2009

Amended:  October 10, 2010

Effective:     January 1, 2011

Amended:  September 13, 2011

Amended:  October 9, 2012

Amended:  March 17, 2014

Amended:  February 10, 2015

 Effective:  March 1, 2015

Revised:     July 11, 2017 

Amended:  September 06, 2018

Effective:   January 01, 2019

Amended:  January 14, 2020

Amended:  October 13, 2020



                                  SAN ANTONIO


1.Annual dues shall be $5.00 a month for Primary Member.  Included in this membership shall be the Retiree’s Spouse and Individual Adult Beneficiaries. 

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