In case you missed it, the SAFPPA extended well-earned recognition to Earnest and Diana Gay for their years of service to the San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Assocation at the June 13 member meeting.

“They were completely surprised,” said Charlie Ricketts, the SAFPPA Treasurer.

SAFPPA President Michael Trainer presented plaques to the couple.

Mr. Gay served as the organization’s recording secretary from 2008-2022 and played extensive role in organizing elections and the yearly steak luncheon.

Mr. Gay’s plaque read: “The San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners’ Association wishes to extend our sincere thanks in appreciation of your dedication and service to our association. Best wishes and good luck on retirement.”

Mrs. Gay prepared many meals for member meetings and assisted the organization in innumerable ways over the years. Mrs. Gay’s plaque said, “Thank you for all you have done. Your love and care for all our members is much appreciated. We will always be thankful for the meals you prepared, the work you did on the luncheons and the many other unseen touches you have added. Your gift of hospitality has been on fully display.”

Thank you Earnest and Diana!

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