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  • Create Date January 9, 2025
  • Last Updated January 9, 2025

2025 Prescription Benefit Program

8 thoughts on “2025 Prescription Benefit Program

  1. I certainly hope this starts to look up, so far it appears to be a totally failure. Just got off the phone with someone who acted as if he didn’t have a clue. He was with the Optum Rx. After I told him I was with Captial, he said that explains what the problem was.
    They were having lots of problems getting switched over. Looks like this was not the best move. Hope there is not a lot of members depending on meds quickly.

  2. Not totally happy with new system. Totally agree that when I called Capital RX , number on new card they never had me registered. Taked to doctors’ offices and they advised me that they did not have anyone with the name Capital RX. It was not until I called several times and spoke to SAPD insurance rep. trying to get it straighten out and found out that it was under Optum, I got several different phone numbers that were not on new card. I finally got the right numbers and think I finally straighten it out. WHAT A MESS. I am just glad I and my wife had all our prescriptions filled out before end of year. I don’t know about anyone else, and I understand change is different, but I was totally happy with Well Dye. I just hope the rest of the members figure it out.

  3. I signed up . Dr. prescribed med for sore on low left leg after a skin cancer removal at HEB on Kitty Hawk, They first said I owed $60 something. After I remembered to give them my new card, I had on co pay. Now I can only hope all goes as well for all other RX I use. Remember, they are open 24/7 so call & ask.

  4. what a mess, i registered with CapRX, and also with Optum, been trying for 3 days to straighten the mess. Optum home delivery finally said that my 3 meds were on hold for the last 4 days, due to not being covered by insurance. Talked to the Retirees Health rep here in San Antonio, she finally got someone that knew something from Optum Home Delivery and got my insurance issue fixed. never had this problem with WelDye.

  5. what a mess, being dealing with this new CaptRX and OptumRX since Jan 7th, they said i was not covered, so my medicine had not shipped. But no one bothered to call me and they both had my information and contact number. Friday, the 10th our Retiree Health Care Rep called them and had me on a conference call. They straighten out that i was covered by the insurance and they would mail out my meds that day. Called today, again a big mess, they said that my member ID belonged to someone else, so that why again my meds not shipped….

  6. I too hope it gets better. On 01/20/2025 (welcome back President) I called a refill in to Optum. After confirming my refill, the young New Jersey woman had to put me on hold twice to call Capital RX and verify my co-pay, which was 0, zero. Leads me to believe Optum is a 3rd party. I used to bank at USAA (not anymore) and I am still insured at USAA. I have found the 3rd parties USAA uses as untrustworthy and some have lost money due to 3rd parties. I hope this improves.

  7. I tried to get my Ozempic filled and they don’t have it so I had to get it at Walgreens. I hope that they soon get this fixed and they can mail order it to me or I’ll get it from Walgreens as long as I don’t have to pay Walgreens tried to charge me $1200 but it got taken care of. And I take it for diabetes, not weight loss. I had to wait over a week and a half. I’m sorry it was two weeks and a half.

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