JANUARY 1, 2023


        I thought up that phrase many years ago. I have made it my jump start. All I have to do is to think about it, and it brings me to reality. I have to do better than I did yesterday. One step more; one more leg raise; one extra Hail Mary; one extra smile; one extra yard; etc. There are thousands of extras more that you can call out. 

         I have told you many times that exercise can be habit-forming. If you do your workout or your walk for thirty days straight, you will be hooked. You will not be allowed to skip an exercise session because you will feel that something is missing from your body.

         When I talk to you about exercise, I don’t mean you’ll suffer in a torture mill. The main thing you should start doing is “MOVING.”  Start slowly at first. Find a companion to exercise with you. After you get in the habit of working out, you can start with light weights. Try what I’m telling you; it will be fun, and it will extend your life. 

          My gold in life is to be mobile until God calls me home. I want to enjoy life, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; lastly, I want to be on my feet when God calls me into His kingdom.   

          It’s never too late to enjoy life. You know how hard it’s been losing our friends and our loved ones. You should try to enjoy life to the utmost. God has loaned you a beautiful vibrant body, so we should use it wisely and care for its health. Set the example; lead your family and loved ones to do what you do; “EXERCISE.”

         I have enjoyed myself immensely going to the senior centers. It’s the best thing that I have enjoyed in many years. I wish I could make you believe the many advantages that senior citizens centers provide. It’s impossible for me to tell you about the many activities that the centers provide. Call this telephone number for more information; (210) 207-5280.                

           I still have to remind our members about the “CLAIMS FORMS.”  Many members have not sent the claim forms to the Health Fund office. Don’t wait till you need the claims form today. Your benefits will not be paid until your claim form is archived in the Health Fund office. If you haven’t received or have lost your claims form, call the Health Fund office and request a claim form.

           I have been called a couple of times by some of our members. They complain that their medical benefits are not being paid. I call the Health Fund office and find out that the claim form is not archived at the office. Some of our members don’t bother to open the packet that our Fund sends out every year. Besides the claim form, other information is in the packet. 

Henry Trevino

THE LIGHT OF A STAR IS FOREVER; THE LIGHT OF A LIFE IS THE LENGTH OF A TWINKLE OF A TWINKLING STAR                                                                                                                                                                                 (Henry Trevino)

Moral of the story: The time of birth of a star is incalculable and unimaginable in our finite minds. The length of human life cannot be measured when it is equated to the life of a star. Therefore, make use of every second of your life; enjoy, produce, love, and do good deeds, for your time will pass in the twinkle of a twinkling star. Be aware that you will write your legacy during the twinkle of a star.

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