The San Antonio Fire & Police Pensioners Association is announcing the formation of the Nominating Committee to search for and seek out members that would like to run for one of the positions on the Executive Board. 

All nominations must be in by Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 1:30 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting in October. The election will be held at the at the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 08, 2022. Term in office will begin with the January 2023 meeting. This year the positions up for election are:

Vice President:

Duties are: Be a Signatory on SAFPPA checks, preform duties of the President when President is not available

Recording Secretary:

Duties are: Be a signatory on SAFPPA checks, Record, transcribe and present minutes of all general, board and special meetings, keep a record of the membership database by posting monthly dues, updating new retirees, and updating files of members who have passed, Setup and coordinate the annual luncheon (reserve the venue, procure caterer, produce & mail announcements, compile RSVP list, etc.) Give report to the membership at each monthly meeting.

Corresponding Secretary Fire:

Find information on retiree wellness and send out get-well and sympathy cards.  Report findings at the monthly meetings


Keep and restore order at monthly meetings, set up US & Texas flags before each meeting.

Candidates for all positions will need to be available to attend all general, special and board meetings. Term is for 2 years.

This years Nominating Committee is Earnest Gay- chairman, Michael Despres and Jerome Whitley.

Any member wishing to run for any of these offices may contact any of the committee members, send an email to, or call the Association at 210-452-7553.

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