Health Fund Trustee Henry Trevino Reminds Retirees to Open Packets This Month… and Exercise!


I received an irate call from one of our Health Fund members a couple of weeks ago.  The member could not understand why the doctor’s bills were not being paid by the Health Fund.

        Whenever I get a question like this, I ask the member if he or she had called the staff at the Health Fund office.  Usually the answer is; “No, I have not called the Health Fund.”

        The staff at the Health Fund are the only ones that can view your personal medical account.  Nobody, including the CEO, is privy to your personal medical accounts.  The privacy of our members’ medical accounts is one of the reasons I always ask the members if they have called the Health Fund Staff.

        Back to our irate member: I told the member I would call the staff at the Health Fund and find out why the member’s doctor bills were not being paid.  The problem was quickly solved.  The member had not opened the packet that the Health Fund sends to our members every year in November.

        The member had not opened a packet in three years.  The member had not been to a doctor in three years and had no reason to open the packet.  For our members information, the packet contains vital information about our Health Fund.

        The problem with our member was that the claim’s form had never been signed and returned to the Health Fund.  The claims form is always included in the packet that our members receive every year.  If that form is not signed and sent back to the Health Fund, no medical bills will be paid.    

        The informational packet will be sent out in November; look for it and don’t forget to open it.  Aside from the claims form, other information is included; deductible expenses, out of pocket expenses, children’s rates and changes to medications.  Please don’t put the packet aside and forget it; as soon as you receive the packet, please open it and read it thoroughly.  

        If you have a problem with anything pertaining to the Health Fund, the first call should be to the Health Fund.  You may call me at any time, (210-710-7378).  Still, I suggest that you call the Health Fund first (210-494-6500).

        Let’s go back to exercise.  Getting old is inevitable.  You can pray, you can wish and you can cry; old age will continue to march towards you forever.  You can’t stop old age from taking over; however, you can stall old age by decelerating the speed of old age.  Can this be done: Yes, it can be done.

        As we get older, our bones get brittle, our joints lose the synovial fluid, muscles lose their strength and elasticity, and eyes start to weaken causing people to fall.

        Body movement is the best medicine that helps to decelerate the speed of old age.  Make it a rule to walk around the block at least one time; use light weights every day for at least 15 minutes; do toe raises and leg squats, and when you go to the grocery store, park the car at least 100 yards from the front door.  Good luck!

Henry Trevino

Firearm Qualification Session September 27

The SAPD Training Academy Firearms staff will be holding retiree qualifications on September 27.

There will be morning qualification at 0900 and an afternoon qualification at 1400.  When you call to sign up please specify which date and time you would like to sign up for. 

We are limited to 30 shooters per time slot so we will absolutely be taking no walk-ins.  If you are not signed up for the specified time/date, you will not be allowed to qualify.  No exceptions. 

As usual, you will need your firearm, at least two magazines, a holster, 50 rounds of ammo and a check payable to COSA.  MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT ON THE FIRING LINE, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Your own eye and ear protection is highly recommended. 

Call the range staff at 210-207-6229 during normal business hours to get on the schedule.  (NOTE: Leaving a message does not guarantee sign-up)