Elections for Officers at Feb 8 Monthly Meeting of SAFPPA

The San Antonio Fire and Police Pensioners Association will hold its February 08, 2022 monthly meeting on ZOOM at 1:30 pm.  Meeting notices with Zoom information will be sent by email. If you have not been receiving emails from SAFPPA, please follow this link and fill out the form.

At this meeting there will be elections for the executive board for positions of President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary Police and Parliamentarian.  All dues paying and Life paid members will be eligible to vote.  The dues report of 01-31-2022 will be used to determine eligibility.

A link to the ZOOM meeting will be sent by email to you.  Send a request for email link to president@safppa.org.  The Association Board WILL NOT be involved in the vote count.  Please be logged on and signed in with video by 1:40 pm so we can determine eligibility. 

The vote will be conducted by our web management company, G3 Public Relations.  The election will take place towards the end of the meeting in order for all names to be verified during the meeting.  Logging in will be available on any device that is internet capable w/video, IE. Smartphone, tablet, computer.   If spouses of members want to vote they must be signed in on a separate device because ZOOM does not have a provision to allow more than one vote from each device. If there are any questions please call the Association phone at 210-452-7553 or send an e-mail to Secretary@safppa.org

Thanks, and hope to see many of you at the meeting

Earnest D Gay – Recording Secretary SAFPPA

SAFPPA Zoom Meeting January 11

Please excuse the last minute change! We will have a Zoom meeting (instead of in-person meeting)  on Tuesday January 11, 2022 at 1:30 pm.

A previous email to members said we would have this meeting in-person at SAFPPF office.

We changed this to a Zoom meeting.

Contact us at info@safppa.org to receive Zoom meeting info or to get your email address on our distribution list for further notices.

This decision was not made lightly! We have a couple of Board members that are unable to attend. Also the increase in Covid spread is another factor. Our membership is made up of older citizens. We would feel extremely bad if one person got sick as a result of our meeting in person.
So, this meeting will be held on Zoom!

Pension Fund Announcements: Office Closing on Friday and January Benefits Seminar

The San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund today announced it will close the office on Friday December 24 in observance of Christmas Eve.

It also announced that on January 7 it will hold a seminar focused on understanding Pension and Retiree Healthcare Benefits, from 9:30 a.m. – Noon.

The seminar will be held at the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund, 11603 W. Coker Loop, Ste. 201 and space is limited.  To register for the seminar, please call the Pension Office at (210) 534-3262 ext. 200. More seminars are to be held throughout 2022 and we will update with dates when we receive them.